Introducing Online Ticket Blocking!!
Dear Friends,
Buying tickets for an evam showing has now become easier, with the launch of our own Box Office at -
All you have to do is click on the show of your choice, choose the denomination of the ticket and the number of tickets and we invite you into 'club evam'.
No money transactions, no credit card payments – just convenience. Helping us stay in tune with you.
Tickets once blocked, will be reserved for you at the Show, by my Box Office team – you just have to collect them and pay. We hope you will all use this unique service to purchase your tickets.
I must warn you that the home page may take a tad bit to download – considering this is our first online effort – things will only get better from this point on.
So log onto and see you at our shows – looking forward to busting your Stress!
Cheers and Regards
Karthik Kumar
Managing Partner
Evam Entertainment
Helpline: 98402 22363