Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Wedding

The Press Premiere
As twilight approached,the entire "Team evam" came together and assembled at the aqua pool side at the Park Hotel, Chennai. The setting could not have been more appropriate for Paul and Corie to start their marriage. At the reception were Mahita,Vijay and Vaishnavi welcoming the people from the press, the sponsors and the various friends and well-wishers of evam. The setting near the pool side had cabanahs for the people to sit and a small place decorated with flowers and candles where the wedding took place.As the time approached, the crowd managers took their positions near the pool side. The atmosphere was filled with love ballads by Ishwar playing them from the sound box. At 7:05, the priest(Sunil Vishnu) entered and met the guests who had come for the wedding.Then Paul Bratter(Karthik Kumar) walked in.The bride(Andrea) seemed to have taken a little too long as the groom started getting apprehensive. Then suddenly a figure in white dashed across the pool side and with her came in the bridesmaid and the best man.The couple assembled in front of the priest and seemed deeply in love.They exchanged their vows and when the priest said-"You may now kiss the bride" the entire entourage of the bride and the groom broke out into a dance, the energy of which seemed infectious.From here the guests were lead to Pasha, for the wedding party where the bride and the groom cut the wedding cake and left for their honeymoon to the Plaza for 6 nights.In the end, it was a superbly organised and executed show with every aspect handled meticulously and it was a pleasure to see such a team as this, in action.

-Your special correspondent


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